University of Szeged Where knowledge and challenge meet

University of Szeged Congress Centre  --  University of Szeged Congress Centre  --  Green value
green_value_tik_park_2The University of Szeged Congress Centre seeks to be the first Green Congress Centre in the country of Hungary.

We have a great honour to win "The Green Office Improvement of 2009" and „The Green Office Creativity 2010” Prize of KÖVET Association for Sustainable Economies.

In fulfilling this objective we identify activities and services that have the potential to cause significant environmental and social impacts, create significant hazards and risks to the safety and health of the public, our employees, suppliers and contractors.

Be part of our Green Value by organizing a Green Event with help from our highly trained staff.

Green events and catering
  • Enclose Green Event Recommendation to every offers
  • Opportunity to have resort to carbon offset program for total or individual attendees participation during your conference
  • Provide corporate social responsible activities during your event or organize social program that support local environment actions and social entities
  • Use of seasonal food only and low food-mile catering provided by our catering partner
  • Beverages and other food items served in bulk to minimize packaging and waste
  • Possibility to choice Fair-Trade coffee break
green_value_2Waste minimisation
  • Selective waste collection across the Centre
  • Providing selective waste collection on all events

Energy efficiency
  • Statement of environmental energy policy
  • Installing solar panel to generate warm water
  • Economic mode of electric machines and Energy Star computer equipment
  • Converse switches across the Centre
  • Medium-power LED lighting
  • Central control of temperature and lighting
Trees for life
  • Planting trees and flowers to our park improving soil and air quality
  • Supply indoor plants to clean air quality, as well as, to amend employers’ circumstances
Environmental arrangements
  • Use of recycled paper and stationery, such as scrap paper for notepads
  • Printing double sided
  • Earth Day Event every years and online Green News for employers
  • Use of biodegradable cleaning products including soaps, such as recycled paper towel and toilette paper


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